“Miss Guided” (2008, ABC), episodes 1-3 – If you’re like me, the writers’ strike – combined with the fact that it was an uninspiring season to begin with – changed your TV habits. As in: You’re not watching as much of it.
But don’t overlook “Miss Guided,” which airs at 7 and 7:30 p.m. Thursdays on ABC. Even last fall, I was looking forward to it just because Rob Thomas of “Veronica Mars” and Todd Holland of “Wonderfalls” are among the creative team.
It’s not as good as those shows, but – through three episodes – it has shown the potential to be a must-see sitcom.
Judy Greer, who played Jason Bateman’s nutty girlfriend on “Arrested Development” and Tom Cavanagh’s rock-solid best friend on “Love Monkey,” finally gets a starring role. She’s worth rooting for as Becky Freeley, who was a geek in high school and is now a guidance counselor at the same school.
She pines for the shop teacher (Kristoffer Polaha, who needs to become more than just a nice head of hair as the series continues), feuds in a friendly way with the hot teacher (Brooke Burns) and gets hit on by a studly sub (guest star Ashton Kutcher). Chris Parnell is funny (or, at least, funny-looking) as the vice principal, but there’s room for more quirky characters in the “Miss Guided” faculty.
It’s not just the presence of Greer; there must be something about the writing that puts “Miss Guided” a cut above the competition. Fox’s “Unhitched” features the adorable Rashida Jones and has a similar spirit, but it’s just not as good as this show.
“Miss Guided” likes to use little asides – for example, Becky flashing back to a painful high school memory – to beef up its yarns. It also like awkwardness – Becky mistakenly thinks a student is hinting he’s attracted to her. The jokes hit more often than they miss, and they are never mean-spirited – Becky always has a genuine smile on her face.
And you might crack a smile yourself if you turn the ole TV back on.
– John Hansen, “Completely Random Slice of Pop Culture,” Brainerd Dispatch, March 27, 2008