Films directed by Hitchcock
Note: Lost, unfinished, short and foreign-language films aren’t listed.
Silent European films
“The Pleasure Garden” (1925)
“The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog” (1927)
“The Ring” (1927)
“Downhill” (1927)
“The Farmer’s Wife” (1928)
“Easy Virtue” (1928)
“Champagne” (1928)
“The Manxman” (1929)
Non-silent European films
“Blackmail” (1929)
“Juno and the Paycock” (1930)
“Murder!” (1930)
“The Skin Game” (1931)
“Rich and Strange” (1931)
“Number Seventeen” (1932)
“Waltzes from Vienna” (1934)
“The Man Who Knew Too Much” (1934)
“The 39 Steps” (1935)
“Secret Agent” (1936)
“Sabotage” (1936)
“Young and Innocent” (1937)
“The Lady Vanishes” (1938)
“Jamaica Inn” (1939)
Hollywood films
“Rebecca” (1940)
“Foreign Correspondent” (1940)
“Mr. & Mrs. Smith” (1941)
“Suspicion” (1941)
“Saboteur” (1942)
“Shadow of a Doubt” (1943)
“Lifeboat” (1944)
“Spellbound” (1945)
“Notorious” (1946)
“The Paradine Case” (1947)
“Rope” (1948)
“Under Capricorn” (1949)
“Stage Fright” (1950)
“Strangers on a Train” (1951)
“I Confess” (1953)
“Dial M for Murder” (1954)
“Rear Window” (1954)
“To Catch a Thief” (1955)
“The Trouble with Harry” (1955)
“The Man Who Knew Too Much” (1956)
“The Wrong Man” (1956)
“Vertigo” (1958)
“North by Northwest” (1959)
“Psycho” (1960)
“The Birds” (1963)
“Marnie” (1964)
“Torn Curtain” (1966)
“Topaz” (1969)
“Frenzy” (1972)
“Family Plot” (1976)
“Alfred Hitchcock Presents” (1955-62)
- Season 1’s (1955-56) Hitchcock-directed episodes
- Season 2’s (1956-57) Hitchcock-directed episodes
- Season 3’s (1957-58) Hitchcock-directed episodes
“Suspicion” episode “Four O’Clock” (1957)
“Startime” episode “Incident at a Corner” (1960)
“The Alfred Hitchcock Hour” episode “I Saw the Whole Thing” (1962-65)
Works adapted into Hitchcock films
All are novels unless otherwise noted.
“The Manxman” (1894, by Hall Caine)
“The Secret Agent” (1907, by Joseph Conrad, adapted into “Sabotage”)
“The Lodger” (1913, by Marie Belloc Lowndes)
“The Thirty-Nine Steps” (1915, by John Buchan)
“The Manxman” (1916 film)
“The Pleasure Garden” (1923, by Oliver Sandys)
“The House of Dr. Edwardes” (1927, by Hilary Saint George Saunders and John Palmer, adapted into “Spellbound”)
“Enter Sir John” (1928, by Clemence Dane and Helen Simpson, adapted into “Murder!”)
“Rich and Strange” (1930, by Dale Collins)
“Before the Fact” (1932, by Francis Iles, adapted into “Suspicion”)
“The Paradine Case” (1933, by Robert Smythe Hichens)
“Jamaica Inn” (1936, by Daphne du Maurier)
“A Shilling for Candles” (1936, by Josephine Tey, adapted into “Young and Innocent”)
“The Wheel Spins” (1936, by Ethel Lina White, adapted into “The Lady Vanishes”)
“Under Capricorn (1937, by Helen Simpson)
“Rebecca” (1938, by Daphne du Maurier)
“It Had to Be Murder” (1942 short story by Cornell Woolrich, adapted into “Rear Window”)
“Man Running” (1947, by Selwyn Jepson, adapted into “Stage Fright”)
“Strangers on a Train” (1950, by Patricia Highsmith)
“The Trouble with Harry” (1950, by Jack Trevor Story)
“The Birds” (1952, short story by Daphne du Maurier)
“To Catch a Thief” (1952, by David Dodge)
“From Among the Dead” (1954, by Boileau-Narcejac, adapted into “Vertigo”)
“Psycho” (1959, by Robert Bloch)
“Marnie” (1961, by Winston Graham)
“Goodbye Piccadilly, Farewell Leicester Square” (1966, by Arthur La Bern, adapted into “Frenzy”)
“Topaz” (1967, by Leon Uris)
“The Rainbird Pattern” (1972, by Victor Canning, adapted into “Family Plot”)
Sequels to Hitchcock films
“Night Train to Munich” (1940, sequel to “The Lady Vanishes”)
“Crook’s Tour” (1941, sequel to “The Lady Vanishes”)
“Millions Like Us” (1943, sequel to “The Lady Vanishes”)
“Psycho II” (1983)
“Charters & Caldicott” (1985, TV miniseries spinoff of “The Lady Vanishes”)
“Psycho III” (1986)
“Bates Motel” (1987, TV pilot spinoff of “Psycho”)
“Psycho IV: The Beginning” (1990)
“The Birds II: Land’s End” (1994)
Remakes of Hitchcock films
“The Lodger” (1932)
“The Farmer’s Wife” (1941)
“The Lodger” (1944)
“So Long at the Fair” (1950, remake of “The Lady Vanishes”)
“Man in the Attic” (1953, remake of “The Lodger”)
“Dial M for Murder” (1958)
“Step Down to Terror” (1958, remake of “Shadow of a Doubt”)
“The 39 Steps” (1959)
“The Fifth Stair” (1959 episode of “77 Sunset Strip,” remake of “Dial M for Murder”)
“Dial M for Murder” (1967)
“Once You Kiss a Stranger …” (1969, remake of “Strangers on a Train”)
“The Thirty-Nine Steps” (1978)
“The Lady Vanishes” (1979)
“Rebecca” (1979, TV)
“Dial ‘M’ for Murder” (1981)
“Jamaica Inn” (1983, TV)
“Throw Momma from the Train” (1987, remake of “Strangers on a Train”)
“Suspicion” (1988 episode of “American Playhouse”)
“Shadow of a Doubt” (1991)
“Notorious” (1992)
“Lifepod” (1993, remake of “Lifeboat”)
“Once You Meet a Stranger” (1996, remake of “Strangers on a Train”)
“The Secret Agent” (1996, remake of “Sabotage”)
“Rebecca” (1997)
“A Perfect Murder” (1998, remake of “Dial M for Murder”)
“Psycho” (1998)
“Rear Window” (1998)
“Mission: Impossible II” (2000, remake of “Notorious”)
“Flightplan” (2005, remake of “The Lady Vanishes”)
“Disturbia” (2007, remake of “Rear Window”)
“The 39 Steps” (2008, TV)
“Easy Virtue” (2008)
“The Lodger” (2009)
“Bates Motel” (2013-17, TV series remake of “Psycho”)
“The Lady Vanishes” (2013)
“Jamaica Inn” (2014, TV)
“Rebecca” (2020, TV)
“78/52: Hitchcock’s Shower Scene” (2017)
“Hitch: The Life and Times of Alfred Hitchcock” by John Russell Taylor (1978)
“Spellbound by Beauty: Alfred Hitchcock and His Leading Ladies” by Donald Spoto (2008)
“The Man Who Knew Too Much” by Michael Wood (2015)
All posts
The Hitchcock Zone — Established in 2003, this is the largest unofficial Alfred Hitchcock site on the web.

Foreign Correspondents: Deeper into Hitchcock — Two Polish film scholars (speaking English) go through Hitch’s catalog film by film, providing deep yet quick-hitting insights.

Good Evening: An Alfred Hitchcock Podcast — Three gentlemen discuss Alfred Hitchcock’s films in chronological order, along with selected episodes of “Alfred Hitchcock Presents.”

Hitchpod — Two hosts rewatch and review the top 20 Hitchcock films, as voted by their listeners.

Talking Hitchcock — Host Rebecca McCallum explores the work and world of Alfred Hitchcock, along with guests.