Goodwin, Williamson squeeze ‘Blade Runner’ into 1982 comic
PKD flashback (Comic book review): At first blush, two issues doesn’t seem like enough to adapt “Blade Runner,” but it flows remarkably well.
PKD flashback (Comic book review): At first blush, two issues doesn’t seem like enough to adapt “Blade Runner,” but it flows remarkably well.
PKD flashback (Comic book reviews): The second-most-famous PKD-inspired franchise appeared in comics with a basic adaptation and a weak sequel.
PKD flashback (Comic book review): By expanding the story, David Mack adds heart and immerses the reader in questions about humanity and reality.
PKD flashback (Comic book review): In this prequel to PKD’s novel, writer Chris Roberson examines the emotional makeups of androids and humans.
PKD flashback (Comic book review): Artist Tony Parker adapts every word of Dick’s most famous novel, but intimidation soon gives way to wonder.
PKD flashback (Comic book review): It took until the year “Blade Runner” takes place, but the movie finally gets a comic continuation, and it’s outstanding.
Superhero Saturday (Movie review): The docu confusingly posits that women are both central to comics history and relegated to the sidelines.
Superhero Saturday (Movie review): Like Wonder Woman herself, her creator and the women who inspired him were ahead of their time.
Superhero Saturday (Movie review): This rundown of the “Super-Villains of DC Comics” is too rapidly edited, but it’s not without value.
Superhero Saturday (TV review): This is the definitive analysis of superheroes and how they bob and weave with American history.