(Composition year listed first, then publication year if it differs)
Mainstream novels
“Gather Yourselves Together” (1950, 1994)
“Voices from the Street” (1952, 2007)
“Mary and the Giant” (1954, 1987)
“The Broken Bubble” (1956, 1988)
“Puttering About in a Small Land” (1957, 1985)
“In Milton Lumky Territory” (1958, 1985)
“Confessions of a Crap Artist” (1959, 1975)
“The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike” (1960, 1984)
“Humpty Dumpty in Oakland” (1960, 1986)
Science fiction novels
“Vulcan’s Hammer” (1953, 1960)
“Dr. Futurity” (1953, 1960)
“The Cosmic Puppets” (1953, 1957)
“Solar Lottery” (1954, 1955)
“The World Jones Made” (1954, 1956)
“Eye in the Sky” (1955, 1957)
“The Man Who Japed” (1955, 1956)
“Time Out of Joint” (1958, 1959)
“The Man in the High Castle” (1961, 1962)
“We Can Build You” (1962, 1972)
“Martian Time-Slip” (1962, 1964)
“Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb” (1963, 1965)
“The Game-Players of Titan” (1963)
“The Simulacra” (1963, 1964)
“The Crack in Space” (1963, 1966)
“Now Wait for Last Year” (1963, 1966)
“Clans of the Alphane Moon” (1964)
“The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch” (1964, 1965)
“The Zap Gun” (1964, 1967)
“The Penultimate Truth” (1964)
“Deus Irae” (1964, 1976), with Roger Zelazny
“The Unteleported Man” (1964, 1966)/ “Lies, Inc.” (1984)
“The Ganymede Takeover” (1965, 1967), with Ray Nelson
“Counter-Clock World” (1965, 1967)
“Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” (1966, 1968)
“Ubik” (1966, 1969)
“Galactic Pot-Healer” (1968, 1969)
“A Maze of Death” (1968, 1970)
“Our Friends from Frolix 8” (1969, 1970)
“Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said” (1970, 1974)
“A Scanner Darkly” (1973, 1977)
“Radio Free Albemuth” (1976, 1985)
“VALIS” (1978, 1981)
“The Divine Invasion” (1980, 1981)
“The Transmigration of Timothy Archer” (1981, 1982)
Children’s novel
“Nick and the Glimmung” (illustrated by Paul Demeyer, 1966, 1988)
Short story collections
“The Collected Stories, Vol. 1” (1947-54, 1987)
“The Collected Stories, Vol. 2” (1952-53, 1987)
“The Collected Stories, Vol. 3” (1953-54, 1987)
“The Collected Stories, Vol. 4” (1954-63, 1987)
“The Collected Stories, Vol. 5” (1963-81, 1987)
“Electric Dreams” (1953-55, 2017)
Short stories
In alphabetical order:
“Cadbury, the Beaver Who Lacked”
“Chains of Air, Web of Aether”
“The Day Mr. Computer Fell Out of Its Tree”
“The Different Stages of Love” (deleted section of “Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said”)
“Goodbye, Vincent” (collected in “The Dark Haired Girl”)
“If There Were No Benny Cemoli”
“A Little Something for Us Tempunauts”
“Menace React” (story fragment, collected in 2010 Subterranean Press edition of “The Collected Stories, Vol. 1”)
“The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford”
“The Story to End All Stories for Harlan Ellison’s Anthology Dangerous Visions”
“We Can Remember It for You Wholesale”
“What’ll We Do with Ragland Park?”
“Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday”
Adaptations and spinoffs
“Blade Runner” (1982)
“Total Recall” (1990)
“Barjo” (1992)
“Screamers” (1995)
“Soldier” (set in “Blade Runner” universe, 1998)
“Minority Report” (2002)
“Impostor” (2002)
“Paycheck” (2003)
“A Scanner Darkly” (2006)
“Next” (2007)
“Screamers: The Hunting” (2009)
“The Adjustment Bureau” (2011)
“Total Recall” (2012)
“The Crystal Crypt” (short film, 2013)
“Radio Free Albemuth” (2014)
“Blade Runner” short films (2017)
“Blade Runner 2049” (2017)
“King of the Elves” (TBA)
TV shows
“Impostor” episode of “Out of This World” (1962)
“Total Recall 2070” (1999)
“The Man in the High Castle” (2015-)
“Minority Report” (2015)
“Minority Report” first episode
“Electric Dreams” (2017)
“Blade Runner: Black Lotus” (2021-)
“Blade Runner: Black Lotus” first episode
“Ubik” (unproduced screenplay by PKD, 1974, 1985)
“Blade Runner: A Story of the Future” (novelization by Les Martin, 1982)
“Total Recall” (novelization by Piers Anthony, 1990)
“Blade Runner 2: The Edge of Human” (novel by K.W. Jeter, 1995)
“Blade Runner 3: Replicant Night” (novel by K.W. Jeter, 1996)
“Blade Runner 4: Eye and Talon” (novel by K.W. Jeter, 2000)
Comic books
“Blade Runner” adaptation (1982, Marvel)
“Total Recall” adaptation (1990, DC)
“Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” (2009-11, Boom Studios)
“Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Dust to Dust” (2010, Boom Studios)
“Electric Ant” (2010, Marvel)
“Total Recall: Life on Mars” (2011, Dynamite)
“Blade Runner 2019” Issues 1-4 (“Volume 1: Los Angeles”) (2019, Titan)
“Blade Runner 2019” Issues 5-8 (“Volume 2: Off-World”) (2019-20, Titan)
“Blade Runner 2019” Issues 9-12 (“Volume 3: Home Again, Home Again”) (2020, Titan)
“Blade Runner 2019” FCBD (2020, Titan)
“Blade Runner 2029” Issues 1-4 (“Volume 1: Reunion”) (2021, Titan)
“Blade Runner 2029” FCBD (2021, Titan)
“Blade Runner: Origins” FCBD (2021, Titan)
“Blade Runner: Origins” Issues 1-4 (“Volume 1: Products”) (2021, Titan)
“Blade Runner 2029” Issues 5-8 (“Volume 2: Echoes”) (2021, Titan)
“Nuclear Family” Issues 1-5 (based on “Breakfast at Twilight,” 2021, AfterShock)
“Blade Runner: Origins” Issues 5-8 (“Volume 2: Scrap”) (2022, Titan)
“Blade Runner 2029” Issues 9-12 (“Volume 3: Redemption”) (2022, Titan)
“Blade Runner: Origins” Issues 9-12 (“Volume 3: Burning”) (2022, Titan)
“Blade Runner: Black Lotus” Issues 1-4 (“Leaving L.A.”) (2022, Titan)
“Blade Runner 2039” Issues 1- (January 2023-, Titan)
PKD’s writings
“Cosmogony and Cosmology” (philosophical writings, 1987)
“The Dark Haired Girl” (letters, 1988)
“Pursuit of Valis” (philosophical writings, 1991)
“The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick” (six volumes, 1938-82, 1991-2008)
“The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick” (philosophical writings, 1995)
“The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick” (journals, 1974-82, 2011)
“To the High Castle” (by Gregg Rickman, 1989)
“Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick” (by Lawrence Sutin, 1989)
“I Am Alive and You are Dead: A Journey into the Mind of Philip K. Dick” (by Emmanuel Carrere, 1993, 2004 English translation)
“The Search for Philip K. Dick” (by Anne Dick, 1995)
“Philip K. Dick: A Biography” (by Darryl Mason, 2008)
“Philip K. Dick’s Owl: Things are Not as They Appear” (by Tessa Dick, 2008)
“A Dim Reflection of Philip K. Dick” (by Tessa Dick, 2008)
“Remembering Firebright” (by Tessa Dick, 2009)
“A Life of Philip K. Dick: The Man Who Remembered the Future” (by Anthony Peake, 2017)
Making-of books
“Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner” (by Paul M. Sammon, revised and updated edition, 2017)
“Soldier: From Script to Screen” (by Danny Stewart, 2023)
“Philip K. Dick: A Day in the Afterlife” (BBC, 1994)
“The Penultimate Truth about Philip K. Dick” (2007)
“The Worlds of Philip K. Dick” (2016)
Lists and rankings
- Every Philip K. Dick movie adaptation, ranked
- Every Philip K. Dick non-SF novel, ranked
- Every Philip K. Dick science fiction novel, ranked
- Is ‘Dollhouse’ channeling Philip K. Dick? (October 2009)
All posts

Guy Salvidge (blog) — Among other topics, Salvidge’s blog features reviews of most, if not all, of PKD’s catalog.

The Encyclopedia Dickiana — This site features in-depth, cited research on each book to provide behind-the-scenes details of the writing process. An accompanying site covers the short stories.

The Philip K. Dick Bookshelf — This website is a pictorial bibliography of
PKD, with thousands of covers of his books. I like how it organizes his catalog into SF and mainstream novels.

Philip K. Dick online community — This site includes news, articles, criticism, interviews, a biography, synopses of major works, reviews, links and more.
Total Dick-head — David Gill’s blog closed shop in 2014, but the archives are still up, featuring “News, analysis and Philip K. Dick-related info kipple chronicled by a PKD scholar.”
- Philip K. Dick Book Club — Evan Lampe, author of “Philip K. Dick and the World We Live In,” reviews and analyzes all of PKD’s novels and short stories. The podcast grew out of his blog, Philip K. Dick Review.
- PKDheads Podcast — Authors and longtime PKD fans David Agranoff, Anthony Trevino and Langhorn J. Tweed break down the novels in order of publication. Bonus episodes feature interviews and story-versus-adaptation analyses.
- We Love Dick: A Philip K. Dick Podcast — Hosts Wa and Foot analyze a different short story in each episode, and have started to branch into the novels.