‘TMNT Adventures’ branches off from the cartoon in Issues 5-11 (1989-90)
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): The first batch of original Archie stories marks the action figure era – great for kids, not so much for adults.
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): The first batch of original Archie stories marks the action figure era – great for kids, not so much for adults.
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): Raph, Mike and Don get their own four-issue miniseries amid Mirage’s “Tales of the TMNT” Vol. 2.
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): “Tales of the TMNT” Vol. 2 goes out with sweet and bittersweet, finished and unfinished, tales in Issues 54-70.
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): Jim Lawson regularly contributes art to “Tales of the TMNT” Vol. 2 in Issues 42-53. Here are my reviews.
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): Dan Berger takes over as editor and “Tales of the TMNT” Vol. 2 begins to fill in story gaps in Issues 31-41.
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): Here are my reviews of “Tales of the TMNT” Vol. 2 Issues 19-30, including a standout April O’Neil tale.
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): Mirage’s resurrected “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” also brings back “Tales of the TMNT” with Vol. 2 Issues 1-18.
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): Mirage “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” Vol. 4 Issues 14-19 feature some of Peter Laird’s best writing about each Turtle.
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): Mirage “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” Vol. 4 Issues 8-13 feature some of Laird’s best writing about Splinter.
‘TMNT’ flashback (Comic book reviews): Peter Laird and Mirage Studios return to “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” for Vol. 4.