“Ghost Whisperer” Season 1 (2005-06, CBS), episodes 1-5 – At about the half-hour mark of every episode of “Ghost Whisperer” (7 p.m. Fridays on CBS), Melinda (Jennifer Love Hewitt) must explain to survivors of the recently and tragically deceased that, as hard as it may be to believe, she can talk to people who are dead but haven’t yet moved on to the Pearly Gates. Usually, Melinda gets a door slammed in her face.
“Ghost Whisperer” is better than its shaky premise, if only because of the lovable Hewitt, but prepare to be manipulated. Among the five-hanky tales: A kid is killed by a train, but he refuses to cross over because the last thing his mom told him was not to go anywhere. Each episode wraps with Melinda acting as the medium between the dead and the living, and with a viewer either balling like a baby or dismissing it as rubbish.
If you watch
What: “Ghost Whisperer” Season 1
Premise: Jennifer Love Hewitt helps ghosts find peace.
When: 7 p.m. Fridays
Network: CBS
Grade: B-
– John Hansen, “On with the TV, out with the lights,” Brainerd Dispatch, Oct. 27, 2005