John’s “Gilmore Girls” Season 3 flashback review, johnvhansen.com, July 8, 2014
“Gilmore Girls” Season 3 (2002-03, WB), episodes 1-5 — Television’s elite show right now is “Gilmore Girls” (7 p.m. Tuesdays, WB), which packs more wit into an hour than any other show (drinking a ton of coffee does have its benefits). In a recent episode, Rory (Alexis Bledel) began to question her Harvard dream after a dinner with conveyor-belt academics who break into spontaneous quiz games at the table. Hilarious and sobering.
— John Hansen, “The Golden Age of TV is over (but at least we have ‘Firefly’),” NDSU Spectrum, Oct. 25, 2002
“Gilmore Girls” Season 3 (2002-03, WB) — Amy Sherman-Palladino’s lovable show enters its fourth season. This past year, it lost some of its early edge. We asked, “How many times can we watch Lorelai (Lauren Graham) and her mother (Kelly Bishop) argue?” But the season finale did a great job of setting up future plot lines: Rory (Alexis Bledel) is off to Yale, and Lorelai will open her own inn. And Luke (Scott Patterson) and Lorelai’s “When will they get together?” saga is still cute. Nothing like a couple well-timed dream sequences to keep things interesting.
– John Hansen, “State of Television address,” Brainerd Dispatch, May 22, 2003