“Surface” (2005-06, NBC), episode 1 – “Surface” (7 p.m. Mondays on NBC) is about the Outsiders. The premiere played like one of those Peter Benchley miniseries about sea monsters rising from the deep, complete with shallow characterizations. But “Surface” isn’t a miniseries (at least not intentionally), and previews suggest it will move into “X-Files” territory soon. By the end of the first episode, the marine biologist (Lake Bell) who discovered the monsters had her exploration rights yanked by the government.
“Surface” would be passable entertainment except that it airs in a season that has two superior alien-invasion shows, not to mention “Lost,” which strictly speaking, isn’t about aliens … yet (consider Desmond’s comment to Jack: “I’ll see you in another world”). C+
– John Hansen, “Why are these castaways smiling?,” Brainerd Dispatch, Sept. 29, 2005