John’s “The X-Files” Season 7 flashback review, johnvhansen.com, March 19, 2011
“The X-Files” Season 7 (1999-2000, Fox), episodes 1-7 – “The X-Files” has recovered a bit after a sluggish start to its seventh, and probably last, season. Chris Carter’s brainchild has earned its place as a cultural icon, featuring great chemistry between FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dan Scully (Gillian Anderson).
But the once-engaging mythology has now become boring, confusing and irritating, as demonstrated by the two-part season premiere exploring the human race’s extraterrestrial origins and Mulder’s alien-like mental capacity.
Fortunately, the standalone (a.k.a. “monster of the week”) episodes are still going strong. Standout episodes include “The Goldberg Variation,” which asks “Is it possible to be too lucky?,” and “Rush,” a clever parable on recovering from drug addiction, set in high school. B-
– John Hansen, “Goodbye ‘X-Files,’ hello ‘Roswell,’ ” NDSU Spectrum, January 2000
“The X-Files” Season 7 (1999-2000, Fox) – While the early mythology episodes floundered, “The X-Files” stayed afloat with its stand-alone episodes. But the season-ending cliffhanger breathed new life into the mythology as the Cigarette-Smoking Man was killed, Scully (Gillian Anderson) somehow became pregnant and Mulder (David Duchovny) was abducted by the faceless aliens. B+
– John Hansen, NDSU Spectrum, Sept. 22, 2000