John’s “Undeclared” flashback review, Jan. 19, 2023
“Undeclared” (2001-02, Fox), episodes 1-6 — Living up to the hype hasn’t been a problem so far for “Undeclared.” But living to see a second season might be. Fox scheduled the college comedy on Tuesday, the most quality-packed night of the week by far. If you’re a fan, enjoy it while it lasts.
Fans of Judd Apatow’s work are familiar with that mantra. The producer’s hilarious and heart-wrenching “Freaks and Geeks” lasted only one season on NBC. At first glance, “Undeclared” (7:30 p.m. Tuesdays on Fox) looked like “Freaks: The College Years,” but through eight episodes, liabilities have crept in: the half-hour format hampers character development and the modern setting takes away the timelessness that the ‘70s-era “Freaks” had.
At least Apatow still has a skill for shaping lovable characters. The first episode introduced us to the dorm residents: Steven (Jay Baruchel), a lanky loser who tries to act worldly; Lizzie (Carla Gallo), who’s obsessed with her off-campus boyfriend Eric; Rachael (Monica Keena), who’s terrified to be away from home; Marshall (Fargo native Timm Sharp), who’s so uncool he tries walking around with a bird on his shoulder to get people to notice him; Lloyd (Charlie Hunnam), a chick magnet with a British accent; and Ron (former “Freak” Seth Rogen), who likes beer, sarcasm and “You’ve Got Mail.” Also making regular appearances is Steven’s dad (folk singer Loudon Wainwright III), who’s going through a divorce.
The characters are essentially big kids going through the freshman trials. Not melodramatic “Dawson’s Creek” trials, but real freshman experiences like keggers, illegal purchases of term papers and campus visits by Adam Sandler… OK, we’ll give ‘em a break on that one; it was sweeps month.
Apatow and his writers continue to show a knack for working subtle comedy into the drama. When Rachael needs cheering up; the RA tells her “I’ve been here six years and I’m still scared.” In one of their many phone conversations, Eric argues to Lizzie: “So now you’re an expert on college? I tried to go to college four times!” A-
— John Hansen, ” ‘Undeclared,’ ‘24’ try to survive on quality-packed Tuesday,” NDSU Spectrum, Nov. 30, 2001
“Undeclared” (2001-02, Fox) seems to have been quietly killed off without much fuss. It’s not surprising: it was placed in a highly competitive timeslot and Judd Apatow’s previous effort, “Freaks and Geeks,” was also taken behind the shed and beaten by NBC. Will somebody please give Apatow a second season? “Undeclared” wasn’t as powerful as “Freaks,” but it was consistently hilarious and it featured the adorable coupling of Marshall (Fargo’s own Timm Sharp) and Rachael (Monica Keena).
— John Hansen, “TV RIP: Five shows that will be missed,” NDSU Spectrum, Sept. 13, 2002