With “Shazam!” – the superhero answer to “Big,” starring Zachary Levi – hitting theaters April 5 and “Aquaman” available for rental March 26, it’s a good time to look back at the DC Extended Universe as it stands so far.
While I admit the DCEU can’t hold a candle to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which again owns the superhero calendar with three 2019 films, or even the in-flux X-Men Universe, I’m probably in the role of DCEU apologist in most conversations about superhero movies.
One thing that’s hard to argue against is the casting of the members of the Justice League: the universally loved Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa as the first cool Aquaman, Henry Cavill as a respectful follow-up to Christopher Reaves’ iconic Superman, and the bowing-out-too-soon Ben Affleck as a grizzled mid-career Batman.
I also think the Suicide Squad is a colorful bunch with some potentially great movies in them.
Here are my rankings of the DCEU films so far:
(Updated in August 2021 with “Shazam!,” “Birds of Prey,” “Wonder Woman 1984,” “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” and “The Suicide Squad.”)

11. “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” (2016)
Exhibit A in the case that superhero blockbusters tend toward bloat, “BvS’s” extended cut is three hours long and requires about three sittings. No matter the length, it can’t be escaped that Batman and Superman get into a fight over a misunderstanding engineered by Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) and their conflict is resolved when they realize their mother has the same name. Compare this to the hefty themes of something like “The Dark Knight Returns” and one gets the impressions that these Zack Snyder-directed epics are more interested in grand spectacle than weighty philosophical conflicts. To be fair, the spectacle is pretty good, including the first appearance of Wonder Woman, who gets an awesome theme song reminiscent of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song.” (Full review)

10. “Man of Steel” (2013)
Nearly as exhausting to watch as “BvS,” Snyder’s “Man of Steel” at least boasts a tighter story, focusing on the origin of Superman. It slightly reinvents the title character as less of a pure savior and more of a being weighed down by his past and future. The movie is so big in scope it almost makes us overlook its frustrating, inexplicable elements, such as Clark’s dad (Kevin Costner) giving his life so the public doesn’t learn about Superman. (Why? The public inevitably is going to learn about Superman anyway, right?) Amy Adams is a controversial choice as Lois Lane, but Adams is good in everything, and surprisingly, not many people rebelled against this Lois immediately recognizing that Clark and Supes are the same person. Throw in Michael Shannon as a deliciously scenery-chewing Zod, and “Man of Steel” is at least an interesting, darker spin on the saga. It’s still exhausting, though. (Full review)

9. “Birds of Prey” (2020)
The DCEU’s answer to “Deadpool” is all over the place in tone, as Ewan McGregor plays a violent “Gotham”-style villain and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie, returning from “Suicide Squad”) yuks it up in time-hopping narration to the viewer. But those who stick with it will be rewarded by a film that gets steadily better, closing with a cool roller-skate-versus-car chase and a satisfyingly quick dispatching of the baddie. Another plus: Mary Elizabeth Winstead emerges as a rare socially challenged superhero, Huntress. By the time the titular group (also including Black Canary, ex-cop Renee Montoya and kid pickpocket Cassandra Cain) gathers for tacos in the epilogue, I was at my high point of enjoying their antics. I hope they get more films. (Full review)

8. “Justice League” (2017)
I’m doomed to the apologist role for this one, which is super-easy to make fun of, starting with the bizarre fact that Cavill was filmed with a mustache (due to a “Mission: Impossible” role), which was to be removed in post-production, but wasn’t removed all that well. Indeed, “Justice League” feels like Joss Whedon salvaging a film started by Snyder – because that’s precisely what happened. It’s easy to tell what lines come from Whedon’s pen as the JL members – Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, along with newcomers Aquaman, the Flash (Ezra Miller) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher) – trade barbs like a team starting to jell. Some have convincingly complained that this is the “Avengers” template applied to “JL,” and that character nuances established in the comics get subsumed. Another valid critique: Steppenwolf is a better band than villain. It’s nice that the DCEU has some light and some life in it, but this is still a messy production, and as far as messy productions go, I prefer “Suicide Squad.” (Full review)

7. “Wonder Woman 1984” (2020)
Gaining automatic goodwill because it was released free to HBO Max subscribers, and gaining immediate backlash because the villain’s “Monkey’s Paw” plot is so illogical, the actual quality of this sequel ranks between the two extremes. As is too often the case in superhero films, the villains are the weak points. In addition to the Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal) absurdities, the film passes on the comedy possibilities for wallflower-turned-superpowered Cheetah (Kristen Wiig). On the plus side, “WW84” is great every time Gadot and Chris Pine share the screen as Diana and the resurrected Steve, and the fatalistic vibe calls to mind the classic “Angel” episode “I Will Remember You.” The character-building should segue nicely into part three. (Full review)

6. “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” (2021)
Not so much a movie as a live-action encyclopedia entry, Snyder’s cut of the embattled “Justice League” is the most indulgent film ever made – because it’s allowed to be. It’s totally for the fans who asked for it to be completed and released. Rated as a film, it’s at about the same level as the 2017 cut of “Justice League,” but the flaws are opposites. Here, the pacing and 4-hour length are inexcusable if we’re to judge it on cinematic terms, and the muted-palette and square-frame aesthetics are bizarre artistic crutches. On the other hand, it’s refreshing to get robust backstories for villain Steppenwolf (voiced by Ciaran Hinds) and new JL member Cyborg (Ray Fisher). The special effects are generally better, too. Still, the film feels more like homework than entertainment – although there are worse kinds of homework. (Full review)

5. “Suicide Squad” (2016)
Now I’m really in the apologist role. I like this movie, although the reason is entirely the cast and not at all the plot, which includes something like 11 helicopter crashes where everyone survives. Robbie is perfect as Harley Quinn, and I enjoy the relationship between criminal Deadshot (Will Smith) and special-ops agent Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) – two men who respect each others’ decency despite having been pushed into different lots in life. The rest of the Suicide Squad adds some color, and – I know I’m very much in the minority here – I find June Moone (Cara Delevingne) to be better than most DCEU villains because of her tragic romance with Flag and the way she is subsumed by Enchantress; it’s like a B-grade take on Fred/Illyria from “Angel.” Director David Ayer’s “Suicide Squad” tries something new with the Joker (Jared Leto) — as we sense he might actually like Harley, rather than simply using her – and it doesn’t ring true. Still, “Suicide Squad” is more fun than overwrought. (Full review)

4. “Aquaman” (2018)
Ah, now we move into the territory of films that don’t have to be salvaged in the editing bay after messy productions. Granted, director James Wan’s “Aquaman” flirts with the “bloated epic” style again, but I think we’ll grow to enjoy this one – watched in chunks in our living rooms – more than the Supes and Bats entries. This seems to be a split decision among the fandom, but I think gregarious muscleman Momoa is a consistently entertaining presence as Aquaman. The story is typical of the format wherein a reluctant king reclaims the throne because letting the challenger (in this case a brother played by Patrick Wilson) take over would be horrible for his people. But there are good supporting players, including Amber Heard as a love interest and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as the vengeance-blinded Black Manta. The production design is outstanding, although a lot of us are too jaded to appreciate how remarkable the creation of a complete underwater society is. (Full review)

3. “Shazam!” (2019)
The DCEU goes against type with a colorful, family friendly film. It’s so safe that when Shazam (who is a kid on the inside, even though he’s played by adult Levi) warps into a strip club, we’re asked to imagine the humor rather than seeing it. Still, it wisely makes Shazam’s adoptive family a core part of the yarn, with a foster brother (Jack Dylan Grazer) along for the origin-story ride and a little foster sister (Faithe Herman from “This Is Us”) stealing scenes. At more than 2 hours, “Shazam!” is 45 minutes too long to be an elite kiddie superhero movie. But I love that it launches the saga’s general turn away from Snyderian dourness. (Full review)

2. “Wonder Woman” (2017)
No apology is needed for this one, which flirts with perfection until the awkwardly grafted-on final CGI battle against Ares (David Thewlis). Gadot and Pine – as a World War I American soldier – showcase sparkling chemistry and funny banter, and the rest of the group of heroes isn’t bad either. Whereas the origin stories of Superman and Batman can seem “been there, done that,” “Wonder Woman’s” brings us to an ancient island society we hadn’t seen before, as this marks the titular heroine’s first starring role in a movie. Writer Allan Heinberg and director Patty Jenkins don’t portray Wonder Woman as a larger-than-life figure tasked with saving the world. Rather, Diana makes her own choice to be a hero, and – even though the stakes are sufficiently high – the result is a freer and more enjoyable entertainment experience. (Full review)

1. “The Suicide Squad” (2021)
In the era since he became a hired gun, this is peak James Gunn. The writer-director brings his ingrained sense of superhero verve and color over from “Guardians of the Galaxy,” but he also appreciates this title’s unique blend of bizarre comedy and extreme (although cartoonish) violence. And he knows the squad. For example, we see how Harley Quinn, looking like her “Batman: The Animated Series” self in the opening segment, is sane on the inside, insane on the outside. Bloodsport, Ratcatcher 2 and even Polka-Dot Man are great additions. But Gunn isn’t shy about killing off characters, thus being true to the comic book’s roots. As a final-act topper, “TSS” stands toe to toe with “Godzilla vs. Kong” in city-smashing monster spectacle. (Full review)