PKD goes ‘Puttering About in a Small Land’ (1985) to observe human nature
PKD flashback (Book review): Some of Dick’s best observations about human behavior happened early in his writing career.
PKD flashback (Book review): Some of Dick’s best observations about human behavior happened early in his writing career.
PKD flashback (Book review): It’s also among Dick’s most influential novels, as he delves into subjective realities.
PKD flashback (Book review): Dick brings a practical joke to a future society unprepared for it.
PKD flashback (Book review): “The Penultimate Truth” combines multiple short stories.
PKD flashback (Book review): This is a prophetic but not easily accessible novel.
PKD flashback (Movie review): This short story adaptation truly was padded out after its original cut.
PKD flashback (Movie review): But it’s not vintage Dick, even though it comes from his short story.
PKD flashback (Book review): “Confessions of a Crap Artist” was the only non-SF novel published in Philip K. Dick’s lifetime, and it’s not a bad choice.
PKD flashback (Movie review): Dick and Spielberg meet halfway for an engrossing sci-fi classic.
PKD flashback (Book review): Dick digs into his big spiritual questions toward the end of his career.