1. In the new “Star Trek” movie, why doesn’t Spock, who has mastered time travel, go back in time to prevent the destruction of his home planet?
2. Here’s a (bizarrely common, considering it has no basis in reality) sign of a lazily written TV show or movie: During the sports sequence, the public address announcer gives a running color commentary. If an actual PA guy started doing this, the fans and the athletes would tell him to shut the hell up. And it’s annoying in fictional stories, too.
3. Isn’t it funny that we’ve had the technology to talk into a phone for almost a century and we’ve had the technology to type into a phone (a more primitive communication method, if you really think about it) for only a decade or so? A lot of technology takes off because it’s more convenient than what came before. But texting is less convenient than talking (it takes a while to type the message, which isn’t as expressive as the spoken word, and you don’t get the instant response of conversation). In conclusion, texting is popular only because it’s new. Talking will make a comeback soon.
4. The most entertaining thing I’ve seen this week is two of my co-workers talking passionately for several minutes about the “Rocky” franchise. (I had innocently asked what their favorite sports movies were.) These guys made me want to re-watch the six “Rocky” pictures (even “Rocky V”!) more than G4’s Comic-Con coverage made me want to watch any of the stuff they were hyping.
5. No, Pepsi is not OK.
Just a comment regarding your #4.
It’s amazing how convincing people can be about a certain movie or show. Like you said, the fact that they talked it up so much you wanted to watch it again. Maybe just to see if you missed something, maybe to see all of ‘hidden meaning’ that you missed, or maybe just to be sure that it really was as bad as you thought.
This happened to me with ‘Silence of the Lambs’ in college. The TA in one of my TV classes talked about the cinemtography being so incredible. (example – when she walks down to the holding cell to meet Lecter things get darker and darker with a hint of red etc, to simulate hell) I never would have picked that out but after knowing it I know can appreciate the movie a lot more and it has become one of my favorites.
This also happened with M Knight. After watching the special features of his movies I found out that he uses color in ‘The Sixth Sense’ to clue the viewer in on things that are unreachable to the lead character.
Anyway, Rocky I was incredible knowing that it was written and directed by Sly. The dialouge and character building is great! The rest are so so movies but from a sports point of view are awesome.# Posted By shaune | 7/31/09 4:30 PM
Also… I might have missed something in the new Star Trek movie but when did Spock master time travel? I thought he followed the other vessel through the same wormhole?# Posted By shaune | 8/5/09 3:22 PM

I think he learned time travel in “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.”# Posted By John Hansen | 8/5/09 4:58 PM